Farmers feel the pain of plummeting rail service due to Liberal mismanagement

Please watch my video as I discuss the rail service backlog crisis for grain transportation.

Farmers are feeling the pain of plummeting rail service. A decline in railway service for the grain sector has seen performance numbers drop dramatically resulting in the worse grain backlog in years.

Conservatives recognize the importance of ensuring Canadian farmers have access to a logistics system that gets their commodities to market in a predictable and timely way.

That is why when we were in government we immediately responded to challenges facing Western Canada’s rail shipping system by mandating minimum grain volume shipments from the railways with fines for non-compliance, passing the Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act and launching an expedited review of the Canada Transportation Act.

The Liberals ignored our advice to pass a separate grain transportation bill and by failing to extend or make permanent the provisions of the Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act, the Liberals have allowed this dire situation to go from bad to worse.