Celebrate International Day of the Girl on October 11th!

 Canadians recognize that when girls have a solid foundation in life, it allows to them realize their dreams and find success in their own lives, and in the lives of their families and communities.  That is why Canada led the call for an International Day of the Girl at the United Nations to galvanize worldwide support for the idea that girls’ rights matter, and to turn this support into action on meeting girls’ needs.

The House of Commons unanimously supported a motion to have Canada lead this international campaign, and the Government of Canada partnered with Plan Canada to achieve this important goal.

As a result, the first International Day of the Girl took place in 2012, just as it has every year since.

This unique day highlights the fact that girls everywhere are important members of society, with enormous talent, intelligence, compassion and initiative to contribute. Girls are powerful, with many taking action to make a positive impact in their families, schools and communities. Girls are strong and resilient and are working hard every day to realize their dreams.

Check out Stories of Girls who have made a difference at:  http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/commemoration/idg-jif/stories-histoires-en.html